
Syrine Rekhis


I have been active in civil society in the fields of Human rights and democracy since 2011. Currently I am the vice president of The Young Republic Organisation, Co-founder and former president of Inno-PEACE, coordinated and supervised several projects mainly in the fields of education, health and advocacy, and part of the Networks UNESCO GCED, NECE, NACE. As a civic Education and Advocacy freelance educator, I delivered more than 3000 hours of training sessions and workshops with SALTO, UNESCO, Goethe Institute, Academy of policy research-CAP Munich, New Tactics in Human Rights, IFMSA, AEGEE Europe and others since 2012. I am a Medical Doctor with a Msc in Neuroscience. I love long walks, deep conversations, and I am passionate about theater, reading and music. My favorite quote: "Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." Albert Camus


Dursa Mama Kadu

Board Member

I am a 28 years old Ethiopian based in Malta and one of the co-founders and president of Spark15 Organisation. Spark15 is a refugee and migrant-led organisation based in Malta that was founded by youth groups striving for equal treatment of refugee and migrant youth in Maltese society. For the past 8 years I have been working with migrant and refugee communities, different Human Right activists and in-directly with the United Nation. Knowing from first hand experiences that being a refugee doesn't define what a person is capable of contributing to a society I am committed to keep learning every day to amplify the voice of those that need to be heard.


Robert Ian Kibet Ouko Babu

Board Member

I am the Programmes Director at Open Paths Athens (OPA) and oversee OPA mental, sexual and reproductive health work in Europe and campaigns to end violence against women and girls. I have over 10 years experience in grassroots community health promotion work. I am involved in healthcare policy work at national and international levels. I serve on a number of advisory boards and policy groups e.g. Greek Forum of Refugees, MSF, FEANSTA, Velos Youth etc. I coordinate the Experts By Experience project, a programme that trains and empowers survivors of torture and inhumane treatment living in Greece to come together and speak out for their rights and recognition. I coordinate the Mi-Health HIV partnership in Greece, working with diverse local and European migrant communities for greater access to HIV, Hepatitis and TB screening, treatment and linkage to care. My background is in education, community mobilization, psychology, public health and policy.

Adel AlBaghdadi

Vice President

Born & raised in Damascus–Syria. "Impact Maker", that's what I boldly call myself; because I make the daily conscious decision to be a part of the solution and not the problem. I am a firm believer in possibilities. I believe in a better future, and I'm determined to create it.


Sandra Imran

Board Member

I hold a master's degree in Law and Technology. I have been active in Finnish civil society for more than 5 years. In addition to being co-founder and chair of Mirsal ry - a dynamic organization in Finland, which plays a vital role in supporting the integration of Arabic-speaking immigrants in Finland, I am actively involved in many NGOs in Finland and abroad for instance in the board of directors of Moniheli, Finland's largest multicultural NGO network. I am also a Youth Ambassador for the Right to Peace representing Finland in an international coalition.

Chougher Maria Doughramajian

Vice President

I was born and raised in Aleppo, Syria. I am currently the president of Voices of Young Refugees in Europe (VYRE) and the Migrant and Ethnic Minorities Officer at the Rainbow Project Northern Ireland. I have extensive experience as a youth worker and is a member of the Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe. I hold graduate and postgraduate qualifications from the American University of Armenia and the University of Toronto, in Communications, Human Rights and Genocide Studies. I recently obtained a M.Phil. degree in Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation at Trinity College Dublin, as a recipient of the prestigious Government of Ireland International Education Scholarship. I am a peacebuilder and an advocate for refugee rights and LGBTQ+ people, working to raise common concerns and strengthen capacities, in order to contribute to more inclusive societies in Europe, the Middle East and beyond.


Mohamed Hamdane

Board Member

I am Mohamed Hamdane, a 27-year-old Moroccan based in France. I have believed in and worked towards democracy and Human Rights from my teenage years on. Since I was 16, I have been engaged in many associations in Morocco and France, more precisely in student movements, youth associations and Human Rights. I have been working with migrants from many different countries, mainly in the field of social work. Additionally, I had the chance to join the Voicify Youth Advocates Program in December 2021 and was also part of the Founding Committee of the Voicify European Forum for Youth with Lived Migration Experiences. Currently, I am a member of the Association of Moroccan in France, a federation bringing together 11 associations from several departments of France working on defending and advocating for the rights of the immigrant population in France. I work as a computer science engineer, love sport, especially football and running, cinema and traveling.